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Any Time is Rodeo Time: Math ~ Subitizing ~ “On and Off”

Rodeo Math SubitizingC’mon, ya know you want to wear one and yell, “Yeeeeeehaaaaw!

I know that deep down in everyone’s heart, at one time or another, you’ve wanted to be a cowboy or cowgirl. Well, combine that dream with a little math practice and your kiddos will be cowpokes in no time.

Increase Your Number Concept with these Math Games

The only way to increase their number concept is to provide continuous practice. Kiddos must experience a “ga-trillion” times the act of putting a quantity together and taking that quantity apart to really internalize the possible combinations of that quantity.

This product contains the following items to provide fun practice for your kiddos’ subitizing skills.

Rodeo “On and Off” Game
Game boards  print game boards that are provided on cardstock and/or glue to 9 x 12 or 18 x 24 construction paper. Example of gameboard: On and Off SubitizingGather Items to toss ~ counters, cubes, pennies, paper clips, beans, or plastic lids.  I like items that can fit in the kiddos hands to gently toss in the air.

Recording sheets  There are two versions to record their combinations of the number they are working on, either 6 tosses or 12 tosses.

Subitizing Recording SheetHow to Play “On and Off” : Lay the game board flat. Get the amount of items to match the number you’re working on. Toss the items gently. Count and record the number of items that land “on” the picture/shape. Count and record the number of items that land “off” of the picture/shape and construction paper. Record the combination using words “____ and ____ is _____” or using symbols “_____ + _____ = ______”.

For more details on Assessing to know which number the kiddo should work on and Parent Math Night- Make and Take suggestion, see the complete post.


The product includes three options by which to practice completing given combinations. The kiddos will provide either one of the addends or the sum.
Subitizing: Whole Part Part

Quick Image Cards
When cards are shown, notice kiddos responses:  must the kiddos count all of the objects to determine the total, do the kiddos notice sets, or do they combine sets automatically.
Quick Image Cards Subitizing

“Self-Check” cards are provided to put at a station or for you, when you just can’t think another thought.
I hope this product provides the much needed practice for your kiddos to compose and decompose quantities.
Remember, any time is rodeo time! So, saddle up!!!
So until next time, “Yeehaw!”


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