Yeehaw!!! There’s another product in the store!
(The mascot at the school where I’ve taught for the last 16 years is a bronco, so “yeehaw” just comes naturally when I’m excited about accomplishing something. 🙂 It was regularly heard in my classroom and our campus)
I just love Jane Yolen’s Off We Go! The text is fun and Laurel Molk’s illustrations are delightful. For my background with the book and an explanation of English Language Arts Activities read the blog post or check out the ELA product in the store.
The Second Product for Off We Go!

The product contains…
Teacher and Student Tools ~ 18 Character Cards and 18 Eye Cards: If the book is unfamiliar, use the character cards to introduce the book. Place the cards in a pocket chart or in view of the kiddos, read through, and discuss their predictions for what the story could be about. After reading, the instructor can use the “Teacher Tools” to introduce and model solutions for the story problems. Kiddos will use the “Student Tools” to demonstrate their solutions for the story problems and then glue the manipulatives to record their solutions on the student sheet.
Story board: A story board is provided or give kiddos paper to draw their own story board, focusing on the setting including habitat details (hole, tree, web, bog, nest, underground) of the animals in the story.
Story Problems in 3 formats: Opportunities for the kiddos to demonstrate their abilities to keep track of quantities of 12, 18, and 36.
Sample problem: Six friends, Mouse, Frog, Mole, Snake, Duck, and Spider plan a picnic. Each friend brings one parent and their grandma. They have a wonderful time eating and playing in the park. How many friends, parents, and grandmas were at the picnic?
Skip Counting by 2’s: Skip counting practice using dominoes to count by 2’s beginning at zero and beginning at one.
Data Collection and Recording forms in 2 formats to be used at school or home to collect data from table-mates, classmates, grade level and family members for the survey question, “How many eyes are in your group?”. Including recording sheets with ten frames to accommodate data for 2-30 people.
“Self-Check” cards are provided to put at a station or for you, when you just can’t think another thought.All activities offer a choice of color or grey-scale clipart. Again, for my background with this lovely book and an explanation of English Language Arts Activities read the blog post or check out the ELA product in the store. For these Math activities, click on over to the shop.
Until next time,