This “Nothing Like A Good Book” (NLAGB) post is for Helen Lester’s Tacky the Penguin with delightful illustrations by Lynn Munsinger. There is “Nothing-L-A-G-B” read aloud and how it makes you feel.
Tacky?!?!? Strange name for a penguin. Excuse me, an “odd” name for a penguin. This is the first installment in the misadventures of Helen Lester’s enduring penguin, Tacky.
Personal Book Background
If you’ve read other NLAGB posts, you know this is where I share about my experience with the book… the story behind the story. I have a connection with penguins going back 40 years… it’s a long, funny story that I will have to share one day here at the Iceberg. Over the years my collection of stuffed, ceramic, wooden, and plastic penguins has outgrown most bookshelves in my classroom and at home. I’m know as the teacher who looooooves penguins. A title I’m quite proud of as you can tell. 😉 So it’s only natural that my library is full of fiction and nonfiction penguin books. I have many, many fictional penguin favorites, Cuddly Dudley, Penguin Pete, or Little Pip, but Tacky is at the top of the list.
The Book
The text grabs you immediately with the names of Tacky’s companions, Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect. Sounds like a lot of pressure to live up to being in this group of friends. But don’t worry about Tacky, he does things his way. His ways may seem awkward, clumsy, and annoying, but Tacky’s ways end up saving the day and winning a place in your heart as well.
The Product

This product contains…
All activities offer a choice of color or grey-scale clip art. “Self-Check” cards are provided to put at a station or for you, when you just can’t think another thought to grade anything.
Vocabulary Cards: Use the vocabulary cards to introduce the story. Place the cards in a pocket chart or in view of the students, read through, and discuss what the story could be about.
ABC Order: Version 1 has two choices of 6 words and Version 2 has 12 words with two writing line options. You can put the vocabulary cards at the station for the kiddos to organize and then record, if alphabetizing is a new or unmastered skill.
Noun ~ Verb Sort: The task is to determine if the 10 words provided are nouns, verbs, or not a noun or a verb. Record in appropriate column.
Word Searches: Version 1 has two choices of 6 words and Version 2 has 12 words. The words do not share letters. The words can be backwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Stamping: Stamping? Are you crazy?? I survived using stamps with kiddos by provided only the necessary letter stamps for the words I wanted them to focus on at the work station.
Rainbow Words: Choose 4-5 colors (crayons or colored pencils) and trace each word with each color one at a time. Two versions with 6 words. Two versions with 12 words for tracing and a writing section to compose sentences for each work.
Word Building: Cut out the letters. Use each letter as a beginning sound. Blend the sound with “atch” and “itch” to make real words and record them.
I hope this NLAGB installment brings laughter, fun, and knowledge to you and your kiddos. I hope your kiddos enjoy their beginning journey with Tacky the Penguin. He’s truly an odd bird, but a nice bird to have around.
Until next time, keep reading!