WAIT DON’T RECYCLE JUST YET! We’ll take that pesky inserted envelope and your stamps! The is the perfect time of the year to replenish our Writing Station items. Here are a couple of flyers to send home to request envelopes and stamps.

Second Choice

The envelopes will bring authenticity to our letter writing. It may not seem like much, but imagine sitting in your classroom as a 5 or 6 years old and you write a letter, put it in an envelope, lick it to seal it, and draw a stamp… it’s a big, big deal.
The stamps will be used to enhance Math and Social Studies objectives. The stamps tell quite a story. As the stamps come in to your classroom, allow time for sharing how the stamp was acquired and describing the stamp.
Stay tuned to the Iceberg, a second post explaining in detailed how I use the stamps in activities will follow soon. I wanted to get the flyers out there first. 🙂
Flyer for requesting stamps.

But if you want to get a head start…
The Smithsonian National Postal Museum has complied a wealth of knowledge in their curriculum section for all ages. See their Elementary Postal Pack for great activities.
Here’s a portion of my collection.

Until next time, keep collecting!