Yippee Ki Yay Cowpokes!!! These Print-N-Go, NO Prep activities are getting a facelift and will meet your needs for Math with a western theme. It’s wonderful to ponder how my thinking has changed about the activities I created. The past four years have been quite the learning curve, that you now get to enjoy.
Slide to view the former cover and the updated cover with extended activities!

Welcome to Texas
Since Texas is my home base, excuse me, “home on the range”, I always have the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) running through my creating process. If the TEKS aren’t your priority, I hope they easily correspond with your state’s/country’s standards.
K.2. (B) read, write, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and without objects or pictures
K.2 (D) recognize instantly the quantity of a small group of objects in organized and random arrangements
K.2. (E) generate a set using concrete and pictorial models that represents a number that is more than, less than, and equal to a given number up to 20;
K.2 (I) Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures
First Grade
1.2 (A) recognize instantly the quantity of structured arrangements.
1.3. (B) use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating, and comparing sets within 20 and unknowns as any one of the terms in the problem such as 2 + 4 = [ ]; 3 + [ ] = 7; and 5 = [ ] – 3;
1.3. (C) compose 10 with two or more addends with and without concrete objects;
Second Grade
2.4 (A) recall basic facts to add and subtract within 20 with automaticity;
Lesson Plans ~ Suggested Usage
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Each sections begins with a description of the item. Secondly, I give suggested ways to use the item, but of course I know you’ll make them fit your kiddos needs. My goal is that you’ll PRINT-N-GO!
Vocabulary Cards**new item
The main focus is to discuss them as an introduction to the topic. Having the vocabulary cards in view of the kiddos, I found it extended our discussions of the topic. Regularly the kiddos would refer to the vocabulary cards while they were doing the activities.
How to Use
1. Cut the cards a part.
2. Put the cards in random order for introduction and explanation.
3. Either show the cards one at a time by hand or place on a document reader one at a time.
4. Activity can be conducted in small group or whole group.
5. The cards are provided in color, blackline, or grayscale.
You can either copy the cards as they are or shrink 40% if your word wall is a small area. When I didn’t have wall space, I would glue the words on chart paper, bulletin board paper, or even construction paper.
Quick Images**extended
How to Use
1. Cut the cards a part.
2. Put the cards in random order.
3. Either show the cards one at a time by hand or place on a document reader one at a time.
4. Activity can be conducted in small group or whole group.
5. 3 Designs, 36 Cards are in color and 36 cards in grayscale.
6. Print 4 slides to a page in you want to make individual sets.
What to look for…
When the cards are shown, notice how your kiddos give their responses. Subitizing in action!
1. Do they count all the items by 1’s to determine the total?
2. Do they notice sets or groups of items and count them for the total?
3. Do they combine sets or groups of items and give the total automatically?
Important note for Math Journal Entries:
Can your kiddos verbally tell you what they did, thought about, before giving their response? If they can’t “tell” you, then don’t waste your time asking them to write about their thinking. Take the time to make an anchor chart of sample phrases to describe their thinking. You’ll be so glad you did!
On and Off: Composing and Decomposing

Gameboards – 6 options
Copy gameboards provided on cardstock and/or glue to 9 x 12 or 18 x 24 construction paper. The gameboards are available in color or blackline.
Items to Shake and Drop
Counting items: cubes, pennies, paper clips, beans, or plastic lids. I like items that can fit in the kiddos hands easily to gently Shake and Drop.

Recording sheets
Two versions are provided to record their combinations of 6 Shakes and Drops or 12 Shakes and Drops.
All clipart is either color or blackline.
How to Play
1. Lay the gameboard on a flat surface.
2. Determine (teacher or student) what number you’re working on and get that number of items to Shake and Drop.
3. Shake and Drop the items gently.
4. Count and record the number of items that land “on/in” the picture/shape.
5. Count and record the number of items that land “off/out” of the picture/shape and construction paper.
6. Record the combination using words or Math symbols, what your kiddos are ready for should guide you.
“____ and ____ is _____” OR “_____ + _____ = ______”.
Whole – Part – Part

There are four practicing options to compose and decompose numbers combinations for 1-20. Determine the number concept for your kiddos and match the recording sheets (1-10, 11-15, 14-20, or Free Choice). Complete each Whole-Part-Part set by providing either one of the parts (addends/difference) or the whole (sum).

Manipulatives and Ten Frames
If kiddos have available manipulatives and/or Ten Frames, you will be able to access how your kiddos work to find the solutions.
*Can they “talk” you through their thinking?
*Do they understand the two numbers provided.
*Can they use a ten frame to demonstrate their thinking?
*Can they determine if the given information is the whole and a part?
*Do they have two parts?
“Self-Check” cards are provided to put at a station or for you, when you just can’t think another thought to check/grade anything.

Drawing Prompt
Hey Partner, join us!!!
A fun addition after all that hard work! Use the provided scene or provide blank paper for your kiddos. Yippee KivYay Cowpokes!

Well “Thank You” if you actually read and scrolled all the way to this point. Proud of ya! If you have any questions or you think I left something out, I would love to hear from you. Really, be honest, it would help me a lot.
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Until next time, happy trails,