I am highlighting the 8 components of this product for E. Carle’s A House for Hermit Crab in separate blog posts, instead of a massive post explaining each section. You have found #4 of 8 of the components which is Whole-Part-Part or Number Bonds. You can also see a quick Preview and descriptions at Etsy Shop or TeachersPayTeachers .

The 8 Components
Vocabulary Card
14 Anchor Charts
Skip Counting
Whole-Part-Part / Number Bonds
On and Off
Ordinal Words
Since Texas is my home base, I always have the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) running through my creative process. If they aren’t your priority, I hope these Math TEKS easily correspond with your state’s/country’s standards.

Whole ~ Part ~ Part or Number Bonds
Here’s a way to practice a mixture of various combinations for 5, 7, 10, and 12. There are three versions of activity sheets to practice these combinations.
The kiddos are to determine what is missing. Is it the sum or one of the addend? Once they determine what is missing, they trace and record the missing part of the bond.

There are three designs of all recording sheets:
**First, a kiddo version in color.
**Secondly, a kiddo version in grayscale.
**Finally, a “Self Check” version for either the kiddos or for the teacher/caregiver (For when you can’t think of checking one thing.).
What’s missing? The whole or a part?

Manipulatives and Ten Frames for Whole-Part-Part
If kiddos have available manipulatives and/or Ten Frames, you will be able to access how your kiddos work to find the solutions. It will also aid the easily frustrated kiddo.
Things for the teacher to ponder as the kiddos work:
*Can they “talk” you through their thinking?
*Do they understand the two numbers provided?
*Can they use a ten frame to demonstrate their thinking?
*Can they determine if the given information is the whole and a part?
*Do they have two parts?

Etsy Shop or TeachersPayTeachers
Acknowledgements for the Talents of Others for clipart, images, and fonts.
If none of that made sense feel free to contact me.
Until next time,