Gretchen, Lights, Cameras, Action!! Gretchen Groundhog it’s your Day! All eyes will be on you! We need to know what clothes to wear for the next six week. Only you can tell us! What’s your prediction?
This “Nothing Like A Good Book” (NLAGB) post is for Abby Levine’s Gretchen Groundhog, It’s Your Day!. Nancy Cote is the illustrator. There is “Nothing-L-A-G-B” read aloud and how it makes you feel.
Penguin Teacher
Can you even imagine what Gretchen Groundhog was feeling and thinking! February 2nd was almost here and everyone would be counting on her to predict the weather! Could she do it for her family and for herself? Would she make them proud?
In this wonderful book, written by Abby Levine and illustrated by Nancy Cote, you learn how Gretchen acknowledges her fears of the lights, cameras, and everyone yelling “Action” at her. See how she finds solutions to cope with her fears.
This product contains the following English Language Arts “Print-N-Go” activities.
Story Vocabulary Cards
The first items are 24 story vocabulary cards to aid in understanding and retelling the story. The cards focus on the important conponants of the story to assist with the kiddos’ comprehension of the main ideas of the story.

A, B, C Order Practice
Secondly, there are various versions of A, B, C Order to develop the skill of alphabetizing. Choices of either 6 words or 12 words in color or grayscale. In addition, a chance to illustrate a favorite part of the story. Once the kiddos have completed the activity, you may give them “Self Check” cards.

Word Search Puzzles
Next, there are four version of Word Search puzzles to further practice to important story vocabulary. Once the kiddos have completed the activity, you may give them the “Self Check” cards. Or if it’s been a long day, it will make grading papers faster for you. 😉

Rainbow Words
After that, there are Rainbow Words to be completed either as a whole group or placed in centers /work stations. There are two versions of vocabulary words. In addition, once traced the kiddos can compose sentences retelling parts of the story.

Writing Prompts
For the purpose of deeper thought, there are various font sizes and styles for responding to the story in a written format. You have the option of two choices of sentence completions to get the kiddos’ ideas flowing.

Journal Writing Options
Lastly, for your kiddos that are ready for the line sizes of journals / spiral notebooks, you have “Writing Prompt Strips”. The strips can be glued in their journal / spiral notebook.

You may find Gretchen and these fun activities at either TeachersPayTeachers or on Etsy. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback!
Until next time,