Time to give the “Dads” their spot in the limelight. Bless ’em since their special day isn’t during the school year, they’ve learned not to expect as many cards or creations from school as Mom received in May.
I’ve created this Father’s Day product to say …
Thanks Dads! It’s your turn!
The product includes the following:

12 Themed Word Wall/ Pocket chart Cards
Use the vocabulary cards to introduce the topic. Place cards in a pocket chart or in view of the students, read through, and discuss what the topic is pertaining to.
Resource Chart
How to say “dad” in 9 languages because any way you say it “Dad” is a special word.
ABC Order ~ with Self-Check cards
Version 1 has two choices of 5 words and Version 2 has 12 words with two writing line options. If alphabetizing is a new or unmastered skill, you can put the vocabulary cards at the station for the kiddos to organize and then record.
Word Searches ~ with Self-Check cards
Version 1 has two choices of 5 words and Version 2 has 12 words. The words do not share letters. The words can be backwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

Writing ~ Sentence Completions and Adjective Web
Choice 1 is Sentence Completion in 4 versions for:
Dads can _____.
Dads are _____.
Dads will ______.
Choice 2 is an Adjective Web containing five boxes with a given picture of a Dad (various Dads) in the center or space to draw in their own picture.
~~~All clipart is in Color OR Blackline!~~~
Help honor the father figures in your kiddos’ lives and stop by the shop.
Happy Father’s Day to all the Padres, Abbas, and Daddies out there!
Until next time give a dad a hug,