This “Nothing Like A Good Book” (NLAGB) post is for Kirsten Hall’s Busy Chipmunk, with lovely illustrations by Cary Phillips. There is “Nothing-L-A-G-B” read aloud and how it makes you feel.
Isn’t the chipmunk, just the cutest? Immediately you’re wonder what the chipmunk could be busy doing. You could tell a whole story before turning one page. I just love that. 🙂
Personal Book Background
If you’ve read other NLAGB posts, you know this is where I share about my experience with the book… the story behind the story. This book is part of the My First Hello Reader series. I acquired it thru a class book order from Scholastic Book Club, don’t ya just love bonus points? I wanted an “on level” addition for my Fall collection of books.
The Book
Hall’s first easy reader book was written (and published) when she was in the 7th grade. Amazing, right? Your kiddos will love that fact. The rhyming in this book will get you and your kiddos rockin’ your heads in no time. Enjoyable story of a busy chipmunk preparing for winter.
A first “reading” of the book could be a picture walk, while asking probing questions to “tell” the story.
What’s the chipmunk’s environment like? Where does he/she live? Does the illustrator draw every detail in their world? Are the characters standing still? How do they get along? How many of each animal do you see at the end?
I like to do a picture walk using my ELMO (document reader). I’ve found it takes care of the “I can’t see!” folks.
When read aloud, the text will have the kiddos joining in by the time you get to the second rhyming pair.
The Product

The product contains…
12 Vocabulary Cards: Use the vocabulary cards to introduce the book. Place in a pocket chart or in view of the students, read through, and discuss what the book is pertaining to. After reading, use the vocabulary cards to retell the story or use in stations for reference.
Story Text Cards: Use the story text cards for a Pocket Chart Station. Provide a copy of the complete story text for the kiddos to use as a guide to “retell” the story in the pocket chart. You’ll be surprised at how quickly the kiddos learn the story in no time at all. A fun way to practice reading fluency.
ABC Order: Version 1 has two choices of 6 words and Version 2 has 12 words with two writing line options. You can put the vocabulary cards at the station for the kiddos to organzie and then record, if alphabetizing is a new or unmastered skill.
Word Searches: Version 1 has 6 words and Version 2 has 12 words. The words do not share letter. The words can be backwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Rainbow Words: Choose 4-5 colors (crayons or colored pencils) and trace each word with each color one at a time. Two versions with 6 words. Two versions with 12 words for tracing and a writing section to compose sentences for each word.
Rhyming Words: Using the words in the word bank, complete the story text with the needed rhyming word.
Story Text: Three versions of the story text in a poem format to be placed in work stations. Smallers sized could be gluded into a Poem Notebook and illustrated.
Writing Prompt: What Would You Collect?: Three versions for written responses in two designs for the prompt: If you had the mouth of a chipmunk, what would you want to collect? The kiddos’ responses could be posted in the classroom or made into a class book.
All activities offer a choice of color or grey-scale clipart. In addition, Self-Check cards are provided for when you can’t think another thought to grade papers.
I hope this NLAGB installment brings laughter, fun, and knowledge to you and your kiddos. Remember, plan for 10 minute intervals! You AND your kiddos will enjoy your day together.
Until next time, keep collecting!