“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “
You really do have to say it all together to acknowledge the legacy of choices this man made during his lifetime.
Hopefully through books or videos that have been shared, the kiddos get the gist of Dr. King’s dream for his family and mankind living in America in 1960’s and can transfer the idea to themselves.

Ask the kiddos about what dreams they have for themselves, family, friends, and the world. You maybe surprised at what deep thinkers your kiddos are when given the opportunity. Maybe not as you begin these activities, but I’m sure as you complete them.
But then again, if you just hear crickets, take a deep breath and use the Vocabulary Cards as motivation for discussion…
- living in peace with our neighbors, showing
- respect to a new student at school, world
- where the first thought is fairness for everyone.

Item descriptions and lesson plan ideas for my updated product for Dr. King are included! All activities offer a choice of color or blackline/ gray scale clip art.
32 Vocabulary Cards
Vocabulary pertaining to Martin L. King, Jr and his work for civil rights. Place cards in a pocket chart or in view of the students, read through, and discuss what the topic could be about. Vocabulary cards can be glued onto sentence strips with colored pictures for word wall displays.

His Childhood, My Childhood
Add MLK, Jr. facts to the chart by either cutting, sorting, matching, and gluing the facts or writing the facts in the given boxes. Then the next day add your life facts to the chart either in class independently or at home to complete with family members.
How to Describe Him
A set of adjective labels for each student (4 sets per page). Cut out and glue the provided words to tell about him and his character or write words or short phrases to describe him. In addition, kiddos could compose sentences using the provided adjectives on the back.

A, B, C Order
There are four options with 6 words. There are two options with 12 words and two writing line choices. You can put the vocabulary cards at the station for the kiddos to organize and then record, if alphabetizing is a new or unmastered skill. “Self-Check” cards are provided to put at a station or for you, when you just can’t think another thought to grade.

Word Searches
There are four options with 6 words. There are two options with 12 words. The words do not share letters. The words can be backwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal. “Self-Check” cards are provided to put at a station or for you, when you just can’t think another thought to grade.

Rainbow Words
There are two versions with 6 words. Choose 4-5 colors (crayons or colored pencils) and trace each word with each color, one at a time. Sample example is provided.

Rainbow Words w/ Sentence Composing
This versions has 6 words and writing lines. Choose 4-5 colored pencils and trace each word with each color, one at a time. Then use each word to compose sentences discussing the topic. There are two writing line options. Sample example is provided.

Writing Prompts
Four writing prompts to increase knowledge and make connections to Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments. Each prompt has several options for illustration, dictation, or written responses on two or three choices of writing lines (various font sizes, single lines, head, mid, & baseline). Following each description are anchor chart suggestions and discussion questions to stimulate better writing content.
Choice 1 A Special Gift
What kind of birthday gift would you give Dr. King? Explain why you think he would like it?

A Special Gift
Use the sentence frame and completion verbs to discuss different kinds of gifts and how they can make you feel.
Sample responses:
can be made for someone.
can make someone smile.
can be a toy.
will cost money.
will make someone happy.
will make your Mom hug you.
will be a surprise.
is nice.
is a hammer.
is a nice thing to do for someone’s birthday.

Choice 2 All Alike
Draw a picture of someone different from you and then write about how the two of you are alike.
All Alike
You may want to pair your kiddos (mix up skin tones, hair texture) to first draw their pictures in one assignment period. Each student will have a drawing of friend and themselves. Have them discuss the things they in common referring to the anchor chart, if they don’t immediately start talking. Then write their thoughts in the next assignment period.

Choice 3 My Dream
What they would want to do as an adult? Explain why that profession would be important to them.

My Dreams
Define “A Profession” to broaden the background knowledge so the responses will be more than just wanting to be Capt. America.
What do you want to do as an adult?
Are you going to live with your parents forever? (Do they know your plans?)
How will you pay for things?

Choice 4 Making Dreams Come True
Just because you want something, you should think about what is needed and how to achieve it. Wishing vs. Hard Work

Making Dreams Come True
Now that you’ve thought about what you want to do as an adult, how do you make that happen?
Focus on…
Work ethic, character, hard worker, college, trade school, training, practicing

Class Book Suggestions
Any of the writing prompts would make fun books to share within the classroom and to send home. Cover Sample and Intro Pages are provided.
Use the original paperwork or have the kiddos dictate their responses to you. I used PowerPoint to gather the kiddos’ responses.

“When you know better, you do better!” I feel as though that has been the driving force in redesigning my MLK Product for TpT. I’m pretty proud of the way it turned out. I hope you can find something to use with your kiddos! Let me know if you have any suggestions, I would be thrilled to hear from you.
Until next time,