It all began because two North Carolina State University roommates wanted to encourage the 1977-78 N.C.S.U. Soccer Team. Back then, there were just a handful of us at the matches, it was fun, felt kinda of cool. 😉 We decided to leave notes on Coach Larry Gross’ office door, but of course we couldn’t sign our real names.
At that time, Pele was becoming more known in the states. There was a NCSU player from Brazil that caught my eye, so there was even more of an interest for me 😉

Pelé was an extremely famous soccer player.
If you want to gather more information about him, you can visit the website peanutbutterfishlessons.com for a free educational resource called “Pele Free Unit of Study”. This unit contains detailed information about Pelé and his accomplishments in the world of soccer.

A dear friend, Pam O. suggested Pele + us (Black and White) = Pele’s Penguin
We happily used her suggestion and signed our notes “Pele’s Penguin”. That following Christmas Pam gave us both stuffed penguins.
Pele’s Penguin has maintained its friendship/sistership over the years.
What a blessing it’s been.
Once I became a teacher, it was fun to decorate the classroom with them. Then my students’ families and friends picked up on the trend and that’s how it grew. At one point, I had about 1,000, yep one thousand between home and in my classroom. Can’t seem to find the right pictures to scan and post now, so that will be a future project.
Past Conversation with a Parent
Parent: Mrs. Saari what's with the penguins? I had a major argument with my son in the store last night. I was trying to explain to him that you do not buy sheets for your teacher!
Student: But she will LOVE them!
Student: But she will LOVE them!
Student: Really, she will LOVE them!
Me: So sorry (giggling). I will talk to him about it.
From that point on, I stressed with the kiddos that their job was to remember the store where they saw the penguin items and share that information with me and not ask their parents to purchased things. 😉
I’ve received penguins made from every material imaginable: plush fabric, ceramic, wooden, crystal, plastic, glass, metal, and feathers. Two penguins are from Great Britain. Also penguins serving every function: pins, earrings, necklaces, pajamas, glassware, linen (sheets, towels), ornaments, picture frames, staplers, ribbons, key chains, aprons, lamps, pens, pencils, rulers, buttons, stained glass hangings, 48 in tall blow-up, puppets, clocks, note pads, hats, shirts, mugs, mugs, and more mugs.

Who knew it would end up being my calling card? I have loved it! Well, that’s the “Why penguins Mrs. Saari?” explanation.
Any questions, concerns, or compliments about the blog would be appreciated? 😉
Just contact me, I would love to hear from you.
Thanks for stopping by,