The original goal of this blog was to share stories from my years in the classroom with some pretty amazing kiddos. But the foundation of those stories is truly the rollercoaster ride of learning from some pretty outstanding colleagues. To their surprise :-), here are a few of the lovelies that have taught me so much!!! (This is what happens when you’re in charge of taking everyone’s pic at the beginning of a school year and you saved the file!)
The “team Membaaas” (as my husband lovingly refers to them :-)) were/are much more than coworkers to me. “Coworkers” sounds like someone you stand next to, but don’t really interact with or know. Unless you’ve juggled or wrestled with the expectations of a district, campus admin, parents, students, or even your own worries, it’s hard to understand how dear colleagues can/will make this difficult job a joy.

The stresses of being in the classroom will bring you to your knees. Then and only then can the nudging, support, and loving criticism from an awesome team help you get through the latest crisis and survive the school year… with your mental faculties in tack.

What will today’s surprise be?
That thought became my motto as a way to cope. Not sure if other fields are like education, but the minute you think you have a handle on things, here comes the curve ball. Since it’s not my nature to handle change well (not exaggerating), praise God, He blessed me with colleagues that loved me through some frustrating times. But, I found this coping strategy. “Coping strategies”, we need them, just like the kiddos. There should be a cool down room for teachers!! Where you can go without judgement!
I am so grateful for the colleagues that supported and loved me through life stuff outside of the classroom: being at work when your boyfriend has a stroke and needs heart surgery or when you learn that your parents have passed away (yes, with my Dad and then five years later with my Mom).

I hope you’ve been bless with “super hero” teammates!
Until next time,