I am highlighting the 8 components of this product for E. Carle’s A House for Hermit Crab in separate blog posts, instead of a massive post explaining each section. You have found #5 of 8 of the components which is On and Off. You can also see a quick Preview and descriptions at Etsy Shop or TeachersPayTeachers.

The 8 Components
Vocabulary Card
14 Anchor Charts
Skip Counting
Whole-Part-Part / Number Bonds
On and Off
Ordinal Words
Since Texas is my home base, I always have the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) running through my creative process. If they aren’t your priority, I hope these Math TEKS easily correspond with your state’s/country’s standards.

On and Off – Composing and Decomposing Number
After doing the “Hiding Assessments” to determine what number combinations your kiddos need to work on (what combos they do not know by heart). Depending on the kiddos’ number concepts, they could be making combinations for 3-20.
Supplies for On and Off with Hermit Crab
Items to Shake and Drop
Counting items: cubes, pennies, paper clips, beans, or plastic lids. I like items that can fit in the kiddos hands easily to gently Shake and Drop.
There are four gameboard designs to choose from. They are in color and in grayscale. You may copy on colored cardstock or regular copy paper. Then glue the image onto cardstock or scrapbooking paper. Save yourself the headache now, cover the gameboards with clear contact paper or laminate them. You’ll be glad you did!

Recording Sheets
The first choice is for recording sheets: 6 “turns” or 12 “turns”. Secondly, the choice of recording number sentences as “ ____and ___is ____” OR “_____+ _____=_____”. A blank recording sheet is offered as well.

There are three designs of all recording sheets:
**First, a kiddo version in color.
**Secondly, a kiddo version in grayscale.
**Finally, a “Self Check” version for either the kiddos or for the teacher/caregiver (For when you can’t think of checking one thing.).
How to Play On and Off with Hermit Crab
Gather supplies: get quantity of cubes/gems (any small manipulatives that will fit in their hands) for the number they are working on, an “On and Off” gameboard, and a recording sheet.

Shake and drop the cubes/gems on the gameboard.

Record which cubes/gems land “on” the crab (or item in the square) and which cubes/gems land “off” of the crab (or item in the square).
Record the corresponding number sentence in words or symbols.

Repeat…shake, drop, and record.

Remind your kiddos, this isn’t Vegas and
their tosses do not need to be wild. 🙂
Etsy Shop or TeachersPayTeachers

Acknowledgements for the Talents of Others for clipart, images, and fonts.
If none of that made sense feel free to contact me.
Until next time,