One-on-One Tutoring is the best method to address specific academic issues in a timely manner.
- Have you received any troubling feedback from your kiddo’s teacher or teachers?
- Is your kiddo not grasping concepts as expected?
- Is your kiddo not excited about school?
- Is your kiddo not confident about their ability to perform?

“Yes, to all of the questions! IDK What can I to do?”
Contact me and we will set up an appointment for our first one-hour session. Over the years, I have established a major guideline for our worktime. It’s best that parent/caregiver does not sit next to the kiddo at the worktable. If so, the kiddo tends to be distracted and/or unsure of themselves.
You may remain silently in the room with us or lounge in another room. You’ll be surprised how independent your kiddo will be with me. ๐
The One-on-One Tutoring Assessments
My objectives for our first one-hour session will be to conduct detailed assessments of your kiddo’s academic skills. First, I will evaluate their English Language Arts skills focusing on their…
- demonstration of letter-sound correspondence
- ease of ability to use letter-sound correspondence to build words
- demonstration of vocabulary knowledge
- usage of given words to build sentences
- mastery of various grade level texts to determine Instructional and Independent Reading levels
Next, I will evaluate their Mathematical skills focusing on their…
- mastery of counting aloud from 1 to 100
- demonstration of reading numerals and number words
- understanding of composing and decomposing quantities using manipulatives
- knowledge of number sentences with sums or differences to 20
- ability to skip count from a given number by counting on by 10’s, 100’s, or 1000’s
- demonstration of place value using manipulatives to represent given numbers (2-6 digits): ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, etc.
- demonstration of multiplication and division, if applicable
“Whew, that’s a lot!”
The Tutoring Lesson Plans
First, my goal for the assessments is to fully understand your kiddo’s knowledge base. Next, I want to learn their ease and confidence in demonstrating their knowledge. I will use the Reading and Math data collected to design individualized Lesson Plans for our work together.
Now, our One-on-One tutoring sessions will be an awesome course of action to boost your kiddo’s Reading and Math skills. You’ll see their confidence soar and smiles return to their face. Click to learn more about me and my Tutoring philosophy.
How to get a Free One-on-One Tutoring Session
Our first communication will be a detailed discussion about the cost of the one-hour sessions. I typically conduct the tutoring sessions in my home office for there are less distractions. Upon completion of our second worktime, that second session will be FREE. Yep, zippo, nada!!!
The session payments are due at the completion of each of the sessions (Check, Cash, CashApp, Venmo or PayPal). Let’s get a tutoring appointment scheduled! I look forward to hearing from you!
What about Virtual Tutoring Sessions?
Well, friends doing Virtual Tutoring sessions is quite a challenge for everyone concerned. ๐ After experiencing Kindergarten Zoom lessons, I must admit I’m a very apprehensive. It had moments of sure delight and moments of “What is going on?” The teacher and co-teacher were fabulous and well prepared. But, when working with little kiddos, you have to be ready for surprises because each session was filled with them. ๐

The Iceberg will determine, on a case-by-case basis, if Virtual Tutoring is an option (last resort) for kiddos in Fourth grade and up. This mode of teaching and learning takes much more stamina, maturity, and independence on everyone’s part. ๐
Kinder to Third grade parents/caregivers, if Virtual Tutoring is your only option for your kiddo to receive academic assistance, I will discuss your circumstances. As I stated earlier, Virtual Tutoring is a challenge for everyone involved. Distance learning is quite an obstacle to achieving growth and success for kiddos. With my whole heart, I believe One-on-One Tutoring is the only path for your kiddo to make academic gains and built self-confidence.