Expectations, performance, and tutoring. What were the expectations for your kiddo’s performance for the first semester? Wasn’t it just mid-October, when you received the first observational reports of your kiddo’s academic performance for the first grading cycle of the school year. The results might have been what you were anticipating, but then again, the results might have been quite a shock. Did it seem like your kiddo was standing on a cracking iceberg? Was your kiddo drowning, not swimming easily, and in need of tutoring?

Expectation and Performance Discrepancies are puzzling for everyone.
It’s even surprising to educators who have been teaching awhile, how the grade level expectations of the district or state objectives have changed over the years. Skills two grades higher have made their way down two grades. Kiddos are now expected to perform more complex skills at an earlier age and grade level. For district and state administrators (those out of the classroom- Yes, I’m bias. :-)) it looks great on paper. But if your class of kiddos aren’t ready to perform the new expectations, then what? You have stressed-out educators trying to do what’s best for their kiddos. Educators wishing, they could split and be more than one person in order to meet their kiddos’ needs. Talk about walking on thin ice trying to rebuild the iceberg of expectations and performance to bring successful swimming and growth for all of their kiddos.

Expectations – Performance = Tutoring!
As the iceberg cracks due to the discrepancies between the expectations and your kiddo’s performance, it’s time for tutoring. Time to bring in someone who will exam the discrepancies and design individual lesson plans of activities to practice those missing skills. The classroom teacher can only do so much.

One-on-one tutoring is my best recommendation to rebuild this iceberg of expectations and performance. Click and learn about my tutoring philosophy for closing the gaps between expectations and performance.
To learn more about the me, check out my products on TpT and Etsy.