Scheduling the beginning of tutoring sessions can be confusing for the parent/ caregiver, kiddo, and the Tutor. I know from firsthand experience, it’s an adventure. Your kiddo’s teacher(s) shared that they’re falling behind or that they could use additional support in Literacy or Numeracy skills. Now what?
Prior to Scheduling Tutoring Sessions
To begin with, I discuss the following questions/statements with the parent(s)/ caregiver(s) before scheduling any tutoring sessions.
1. Areas the parent(s)/ caregiver(s) are most concerned about.
2. What communication have they received from the school?
3. Examples of the kiddo’s grades or comments on their Report Cards.
4. How does the kiddo feel about his/her teacher(s) or their classmates?
5. Is the kiddo able and willing to discuss with parent(s)/ caregiver(s) completed or incomplete assignments?
The answers to the above questions/ statements provide the big picture of your kiddo’s situation. This information will determine what grade level assessments to plan. It serves only as a “jumping off” spot. Sometimes the information collected has provided an incomplete picture of the kiddo’s strengths and/ or weaknesses. I’ve wondered if our initial sessions should be scheduled in a different manner.
Overview of Tutoring Scheduling Options
Option A
a. Session 1 15 minutes Free of charge!
b. Session 2 60 minutes at the Hourly Rate
c. Session 3 and following 60 minutes sessions at the Hourly Rate
Option B
a. Session 1 60 minutes at the Hourly Rate
b. Session 2 60 minutes Free of charge!
c. Session 3 and following sessions at the Hourly Rate
Schedule for Tutoring Option A
Beginning, Session 1 is a quick 15-minute assessment overview of Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Knowledge. This session is Free of Charge!
Next, Session 2 is a 60-minute session of activities based on the quick overview results. Additionally, we will continue in-depth assessments. The cost of this session is at the hourly rate.
Thereafter, Session 3 and the following sessions are at the hourly rate for 60 minutes. Individualized activities are designed and will be modified according to your kiddo’s progress.

Schedule for Tutoring Option B
First, Session 1 is an in-depth 60-minute assessment of Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Knowledge! The cost for this session is at the hourly rate.
After that, Session 2 is a 60-minute session. The results of the assessments are the basis for creating Individualized Activities. This session is Free of Charge!
Lastly, Session 3 and the following sessions are at the hourly rate for 60 minutes. Moving forward, Individualized Activities will be modified according to your kiddo’s progress.
Scheduling Tutoring Sessions, What’s your opinion? Which is your favorite A or B?
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