One-on-One Tutoring is the best method to tackle specific academic issues promptly.
Have you received this feedback from your kiddo’s teacher(s)?
Your kiddo is...
*not grasping concepts as expected!
*not excited about learning!
*easily frustrated!
*not showing confidence!
*shy about their abilities!
“Yes, those statements
have been shared with me!
What can I to do?”

One-on-One Tutoring: Item 1
First, you will need to share your concerns and questions with me. Please be as honest as possible about your kiddo’s situation. It will help us all in the long run. ๐ If there are issues with other students share details. If there are expectations that you feel are unrealistic for your kiddo’s age and/or grade level give details. Scroll to the “Contact Me” section. I will be happy to tackle these situations with you.
Secondly, we will discuss your kiddo’s circumstances. Once we decide to move ahead, we will set up an appointment for our first one-hour session. It’s FREE!

One-on-One Tutoring: Item 2
Yes, the first one-hour session is free!! It gives everyone a chance to “test the waters”, before making a commitment.
Over the years, I have established a major guideline for our work time. It’s best that parent/ caregiver does not sit next to the kiddo in our work area. It is usually a distraction and/or causes the kiddo to be unsure of themselves.
You can lounge in our living room or work at our dinning table. ๐ You’ll be surprised how independent your kiddo will be with me. ๐

One-on-One Tutoring Step 3
Initially, my objectives for our first one-hour session will be to conduct detailed assessments of your kiddo’s academic skills. I will prepare activities that are below, on, and above grade level based on the information you’ve shared with me. My goal for the assessments is to fully understand your kiddo’s knowledge base.
Furthermore, I learn about their ease and confidence in demonstrating their knowledge.
If English Language Arts and Reading skills are to be our focus, here is an overview…
- demonstration of letter-sound correspondence
- ease of ability to use letter-sound correspondence to build words
- demonstration of vocabulary knowledge
- usage of given words to build sentences
- mastery of various grade level texts to decide Instructional and Independent Reading levels
If Mathematical skills are to be our focus, here is an overview…
- mastery of counting aloud from 1 to 200
- demonstration of reading numerals and number words
- understanding of composing and decomposing quantities with /without manipulatives (addition and subtraction)
- knowledge of number sentences with sums or differences to 20
- ability to skip count from a given number by counting on by 10’s, 100’s, or 1000’s
- demonstrating understanding of place value
- representing given numbers (2-6 digits) with /without manipulatives to: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, etc.
- demonstration of multiplication and division, if applicable

One-on-One Tutoring: Item 4
Finally, I will use the assessment data collected to design individualized Lesson Plans for our work together.

Virtual One-on-One Tutoring?
In one word, “No!” After experiencing Kindergarten Zoom lessons, there were moments of sure delight and moments of “What is going on?” ๐ The teacher and co-teacher were fabulous and well prepared. The lessons were conducted with the entire group, small group, and also one-on-one. Surprises at every turn.

But, friends doing Virtual Tutoring sessions would be quite a challenge for everyone concerned. This mode of teaching and learning takes much more stamina, maturity, and independence on everyone’s part. ๐

Our One-on-One tutoring sessions will be an awesome course of action to boost your kiddo’s Reading and/ or Math skills. You’ll see your kiddo’s confidence soar and smiles return to their face. Click to learn more about me and my Tutoring philosophy.