Hey there! I’m Sheryl, an Early Childhood Educator, who has decided to turn her many theme boxes, tubs, plastic sleeves, and ka-trillion file folders into a digital format.
Teacher Perk: Yearly Pictures- totally guessed on the order of some of them 🙂
During my 30 years in the classroom, I’ve taught Kindergarten through Third Grade kiddos with every acronym, label, condition, and situation you could image…
ESL-English As A Second Language,
SIGHTS -Supplemental Instruction for Gifted, High-Achieving, and Talented Students,
ADD -Attention Deficit Disorder,
ADHD -Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,
Hearing Impaired -Yes, I taught wearing a microphone,
Visually Impaired,
Down Syndrome,
Autism, and Asperger Syndrome.
Don’t you just love the acronyms and titles of our profession. 🙂
Why a Blog?
As I would prepare for lessons by looking through my tubs, boxes, folders, and library to find the perfect books, everything I would come across seemed to have a “must tell” story attached. Ya know, its history: when I got it, how I got, who I got it from, if the previous lesson had bombed or been successful, or what awesome product the kiddos might have produced.
The memories of kiddos and team members would seem so vivid, so much laughter, but some memories just make me teary eyed with joy and sadness.
“You should share your stories!
Jillian, a dear colleague
So, as mostly therapy for me and maybe some fun for you, this blog is now the home for my stories.
Read about my thoughts, my “philosophy of education” concerning curriculum and instruction:
English Language Arts
Science & Social Studies
“Sheryl, you can’t stay at school all the time!”
After work, the love in my life that makes me grateful and makes me smile is hubby, “E.H.B, – El Hombre Bueno”. When we first started dating, he wanted me to know that he was one of the good guys and not weird or unkind like my previous situations. And he has proven over the years that he is indeed E.H.B.!

E.H.B. is a kind and loving man. Since he was a General ed. and Special Ed. teacher, he has a total understanding of the craziness of education. He has been right beside me in the demands and stresses that are the roller coaster ride of a typical school year. He is now an Itinerant Teacher of the Visually Impaired. Praise God, he get to visit different campuses daily spreading cheer. At least, that how I refer to it. 😉 But, bless him he does have a lot of paperwork.
Our 4 Legged Daughters

CoCo Chanel… purchased when she was 8 weeks old, weighing 3 pounds. We brought her home in a little basket. From day 1, she was about the Papa- wanting to be by him all the time. She is sweet and calm, but knows what she wants, when she wants it. If she hasn’t been fed between 5:00 -5:30 p.m., all of a sudden from silence the barking begins! As I’m typing this post, CoCo just started barking out of the blue… time 5:16 p.m. and no I haven’t fed them yet. 🙂

Sophie… found by a neighbor, so tiny, skin and bones with matted hair. Since the other doggy neighbors had two dogs already and the vet confirmed that she didn’t have a micro chip, she became doggy #2. She is feisty, can be sweet and snugly, but will also become territorial and charge at you with teeth showing. We say it’s trauma from her days of living on the streets.
Well that is me in “a nut-shell”. That was fun creating this overview of my life in the classroom and out of the classroom.
Until next time,