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All Alike ~ Writing Prompt Martin L. King, Jr.


Draw a picture of yourself and then a picture of someone who is different from you. Then, write about how you are alike.

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We’re different, but oh so alike.
Help your kiddos acknowledge the differences, but more importantly recognize and explore the similarities between them and their classmates.
The kiddos will draw a picture of themselves and then a picture of someone who is different from them. Then, write about how they are alike.
Brainstorm and generate a list to aid in their written responses i.e.
Differences: eye color, hair color, height, shoes, food preferences, toys, games, movies
Similarities: eye color, hair color, height, shoes, food preferences, toys, games, movies
Depending on your class of kiddos, you may want to give them a partner to focus on. It should make for some lively discussion.
“I don’t like ___, but I like ___.”
“Hey, I like that, too.”
For complete lesson suggestions…

All Alike – A Writing Prompt for Martin L. King, Jr. Day


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