>>>>>“On and Off” Game Supplies<<<<<
**Game boards – Run off gameboards provided on cardstock and/or glue to 9 x 12 or 18 x 24 construction paper.
**Recording sheets – Two versions to record their combinations of 6 tosses or 12 tosses.
Get the amount of items to match the number you’re working on. Toss the items gently. Record the number of items that land “on” the picture/shape. Count and record the number of items that land “off” of the picture/shape and construction paper.
Record the combination using “____ and ____ is _____”
or using “_____ + _____ = ______”
Three options to practice completing given combinations, providing either one of the addends or the sum.
>>>>>Quick Image Cards<<<<<
When cards are shown, notice kiddos responses: must they count all of the objects to determine the total, do they notice sets, do they combine sets automatically.
>>>>>“Self-Check” cards are provided to put at a station or for you, when you just can’t think another thought.
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