Free Manipulative ACORNS!
Free Manipulative ACORNS! Yep, free manipulatives for Math Activities! Go outside! Surprisingly, they are everywhere! Unless the squirrels get the acorns first! TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) Some of the Math TEKS that are addressed in this activity. Kindergarteners will… First Graders will… Second Graders will… To collect their free manipulative acorns, you’ll supply each…
Either Fall or Autumn? It’s Apple Time!
Happy Fall Ya’ll!!! Have you ever thought you’ve completed something and then realized you haven’t even begun. I created the following product “Our Friend, Johnny Appleseed” a few months ago and believed I had written a blog post highlighting the components, but alas, here we go! During autumn, I enjoy the produce section of the…
Falling Leaves Means One Busy Chipmunk
During my years in Texas, the fall season really doesn’t hit it stride until November. I found it difficult to convince Firsties (first graders) that we were saying “Goodbye” to summer and “Hello” to autumn, when they were still wearing t-shirts in October. I usually saved my fall books until after Halloween. 🙂 Kirsten Hall’s Busy…
NLAGB: Busy Chipmunk by Kirsten Hall
This “Nothing Like A Good Book” (NLAGB) post is for Kirsten Hall’s Busy Chipmunk, with lovely illustrations by Cary Phillips. There is “Nothing-L-A-G-B”  read aloud and how it makes you feel. Isn’t the chipmunk, just the cutest? Immediately you’re wonder what the chipmunk could be busy doing. You could tell a whole story before turning one page.…
Happy Fall Ya’ll with Splat the Cat!
“Appropriate seasonal clothing for fall? Sweaters, jackets, gloves??” Not so much! But “Pumpkins” – Oh yeah! Happy Fall Ya’ll! Summer to Fall has always been an interesting time in my classroom in Houston, Texas. Good luck trying to discuss the seasonal changes and appropriate clothing with kinder kiddos experiencing autumn in southeast Texas. This is…
Splat the Cat and the Pumpkin-Picking Plan
It’s all coming together… getting the WordPress site up, making activities, setting up my TeachersPayTeachers account, linking on Pinterest, and taking a deep a breathe. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. So welcome to my very first packet to post on TeachersPayTeachers. I hope everyone will be kind while I go through the…